Csaba D. Tóth

Professional Experience and Education

California State University, Northridge (2013-)
Department of Mathematics
Assistant Professor (2013-2017)
Associate Professor (2017-2021)
Professor (2021-)

Tufts University (2009-)
Department of Computer Science
Visiting Professor

University of Calgary (2007-2013)
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Centre for Computational and Discrete Geometry
Assistant Professor (2007-2013)
Associate Professor with tenure (2013)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2004-2007)
Department of Mathematics
Instructor in Applied Mathematics

University of California at Santa Barbara (2002-2004)
Department of Computer Science
Post-Doctoral Fellow

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (2000-2002)
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
PhD student (CGC Program)
PhD thesis: "Planar subdivisions"

Budapest University of Technology (1998-1999)
Department of Geometry, Institute of Mathematics
PhD student

Institut National de Rechereche en Informatique et en Autimatique (1998 spring)
Project SLOOP, internship
DEA report: "Design of fault-tolerant on-board networks" (in French)

Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille (1997-1998)
Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy
DEA de Math. Discrètes et Fondements de l'Informatique

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (1992-1997)
Faculty of Science
M.Sc. in Mathematics
Master thesis: "Incidence problems in the Euclidean space" (in Hungarian)